Editorial Review

School Library Journal (Denise Brna)

These titles present basic information on holiday symbols. Easter Bunnies explains how the rabbit came to be associated with this season and introduces various traditions related to it. Religion is mentioned, but is not the book’s focus. The author also notes the importance of taking responsibility for baby rabbits that are sometimes impulsively purchased as gifts during this season. Fireworks follows a similar format, explaining the origin of Fourth of July celebrations and how fireworks are made and used. Halloween presents a history of jack-o’-lanterns along with a description of this holiday’s origin. Stevens also discusses how Irish settlers brought the story of Jack and his lantern to North America in the 1800s. All of the texts are clearly written and well organized. Important terms are highlighted in boldface text and defined in glossaries. Each book included clear, close-up, full-color photographs. Halloween and Fireworks also have black-and-white line drawings. With their easy-to-read texts, these are fine additions.

—Denise Brna

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