Editorial Review

A noteworthy review of Mighty Math from School Library Journal on March 1, 2003

Cover: Counting

In both of these titles, clear, full-color photos and simple texts help children understand mathematical concepts. The first book explains counting by fives and tens. Concrete examples are offered. For example, counting 30 buttons in 6 piles of 5 or 3 piles of 10 is clearly shown. The discussion of tens provides a good transition for explaining place value. Money explains coin values through photos and captions that give cent equivalents. The concept of counting change by starting with the coins that are worth the most is discussed; paper money is not. In both books, the cartoon character Math Mutt appears on every other page with helpful explanations, commentary, or questions. The last page of each title contains a list of key words (without definitions) and a simple index.

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