Editorial Review

A noteworthy review of The World of NASCAR from Booklist on October 15, 2008

Cover: NASCAR Tech

Although it would have been helpful for Woods to define what the NASCAR Sprint Cup is when he talks about it, this title in the World of NASCAR series isn’t really about races themselves; it’s about the technology that makes the cars more aerodynamic, the tracks safer, and the race teams more responsive, and brings the audience closer to the action. Woods does a good job of highlighting a few of the more interesting technological elements—among them, robotic cameras and the COT (Car of Tomorrow), created in 2007 as the model for stock-car racers—presenting it all in a brisk, lively fashion that may even entice a few readers new to racing. A plug for advanced education in areas such as engineering and computer technology—Purdue graduate Ryan Neuman weighs in briefly as a spokesperson on the topic—underpins a nicely designed whole, which features crisp color photos on every page. Other books in the series explore subjects such as teamwork and car structure, and introduce a few well-known drivers.

—Stephanie Zvirin

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